SPARTA is the laboratory size implementation of an AGIPD-based camera. The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector (AGIPD) is an X-ray imager, originally designed for the European XFEL, the world’s most powerful free electron laser. It can take images at a rate exceeding 6 million frames per second*, in bursts of up to 352 images, 10 times per second. SPARTA can also capture up to 1000 images per second with a uniform repetition rate. By using a novel adaptive gain amplifier design, it combines an equivalent noise of just 1.3 keV when detecting single photons with a dynamic range of more than 104 photons of 12 keV. With a weight of only 3.5 kilograms it is a compact yet extremely powerful high-speed X-ray camera for your setup in the 3–15 keV range.
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